Legacy Group Capital

AIAE 2024: Patting the Backs of Legacy’s Success

Legacy Group Capital’s Annual Investor Appreciation Event (AIAE) 2024 was a testament to the company’s approach to business: An enjoyable evening guided by a simple, common-sense agenda. The focus of the night was clear, as Legacy’s stalwart track record provided a solid foundation for news of its continued expansion into new partnerships and new markets.

For the first hour, investors, real estate agents, builders, mortgage loan officers and Legacy partners had the opportunity to socialize and get to know one another outside of the formal meeting setting. Legacy CEO Scott Rerucha then kicked off the night’s program by reminding those present of the company’s mission: Helping individuals create wealth through real estate lending and investment.

Legacy has led with that mission since 2007, when its first few years were marked by the weathering of a huge financial collapse that yielded double-digit returns no losses and no foreclosures. Scott still uses the same, single slide his then-receptionist made to demonstrate the company’s transparent and straight-forward reporting.

Legacy works with a large swath of clients, but he focused in his remarks on how we support “the missing middle,” or the creation of housing that provides options to a majority of the population in regard to form and financing.  By providing flexible real estate loans, specifically construction loans and sourcing deals to infill developers with density in mind, we are increasing inventory in the regions we serve. This will ultimately lead to more supply, ergo more affordability and attainability to those in that middle market.

Our CEO shared Legacy’s expansion into many new markets this year, including Boise, Phoenix, Portland, Salt Lake City, Bozeman, Austin, Denver and Dallas – with a large focus on the Denver and Dallas markets.

These efforts, in addition to Legacy’s other, ongoing work, are made possible by several types of strategic partnerships with real estate companies, banks, and fintech companies. In 2024, Legacy acquired Colorado-based Rook Capital — a fintech endeavor with an award-winning platform that provides the best-in-class solution for homebuyer-focused Home Equity Investments (or HEIs). Rook’s product eases the experience for first-time home buyers and offers a way for investors to invest directly into the equity of homes. This acquisition is helping Legacy modernize its systems and build an integrated platform for clients.

The presentation neared its end with a recognition of the work of Legacy’s partners, with awards like the Golden Goose Award (presented to Eric Armbruster of Ashworth Homes). Finally, Scott thanked our investors who have invested in our funds for more than a decade with tickets to Teatro Zinzanni and called up all Legacy partners to the stage to be presented with jackets.

Our event finished with a Q&A about the business. Do you have a question for Legacy? We’d be happy to answer it. Give us a call at 425-635-4700.

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