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Legacy Group Capital

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Local: 425-635-4700
Toll-Free: 800-809-1822
Monday-Friday | 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, PST
Contact Us

Servicing FAQs

How do I make a payment?

At this time, you cannot pay directly through the portal. Payments must be made via Automated Clearing House (ACH) or by check via mail.

To set up ACH, please email

If paying by check, please mail to the following address:
Legacy Group Capital, LLC
Loan Servicing
400 112th Avenue NE, Ste 400
Bellevue, WA 98004

How do I request a payoff?

Email your request to To expedite this process, please include the borrower name, loan number, and property address.

How do I request a Verification of Mortgage (VOM)?

Email your request to To expedite this process, please include the borrower name, loan number, and property address.

Qualified Written Information and Notice of Error Requests

How To Contact Us:

Legacy Group Capital, LLC
Loan Servicing
400 112th Avenue NE, Ste 400
Bellevue, WA 98004
Or to the following email:

The Notice of Error or the Request for Information must include the following information:
  1. The name of the borrower,
  2. Account number,
  3. Property address,
  4. A statement regarding the servicing-related error the borrower asserts has occurred or the specific information that the borrower is requesting with respect to the mortgage loan.
For Written Requests for Specific Information:
Legacy Group Capital Servicing will acknowledge receipt of your letter within 5 business days (excluding legal public holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays) and handle the requests within 30 days of receipt.
For Notice of Errors:
Legacy Group Capital Servicing will acknowledge receipt within 5 business days and determine whether an error occurred within 30 days after receiving your Notice of Error and will correct any error promptly (Notice of Error on payoff statements will be handled within 7 day). If it is determined that additional research is needed, we may extend the response time by 15 days. In that case, we will inform you in writing before the end of the 30-day research period. You may ask for copies of the documents that were used in our investigation.